Alternate versions of the first ghazal in Hafiz's divan

Boy, bring the cup, and circulate the wine :
How easy at first love seemed, but now the snags begin. 

How many hearts lie bleeding, waiting the wind-loosed musk
Out of those tresses-the bright twist of black curls ? 

For what security have we here in this halting-place,
Where every moment the bell clangs " Strap up your packs " ? 

Stain your prayer-mat with wine if the Master tells you:
 That seasoned voyager knows the ways of the road. 

But travelling light, what can these land-lubbers know of it-
Black night, our fear of the waves, and the horrible whirlpool ? 

My self-willed love will sink my reputation:
The truth leaks out ; they make a ballad of it at their meetings. 

If you seek his presence, Hafiz, do not let him alone:
And when you meet his face, you can tell the world to go hang. 


Avery, P., Heath-Stubbs, J.  (1952).  Hafiz of Shiraz: Thirty poems.  London: John Murray.



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